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The Team

Prof. Michael Hopp



Michael combines applied research with academic research and teaching. He has been involved in theoretical and experimental research for over 40 years, and was the prinicpal investigator of several research organizations. 



His primary academic feild is epidemiology, and his expertise includes epidemiological methodology and its applications to health, social, economic, and marketing research.



He has held academic positions at Cornell University and  the Hebrew University, and still teaches as emeritus professor at Tel-Aviv University.




My Vision: To simplify and illuminate.



Another Thing: A founding member of an all new university in Cyprus.  



Dr. Galit Ashkenazi-Golan



Galit is a lecturer in statistics, quantitative research methodology and mathematics in different academic institutions including Tel-Aviv University and the Kibbutzim College. She is an experienced consultant in applied statistics and game theory in various industries.



Over the past years, she has consulted and performed statistical analysis for Masters and Doctorate theses in different disciplines and conducted research in her fields of interest, notably mathematical education, while using statistical tools.




My Vision: To promote awareness among researchers to the possibilities statistics offers and the correct use of statistics. To promote critical reading of studies and correct article writing.



Another Thing: Likes sports and yoga.  



Liran Mendel, MSc




Liran has over a decade of rich international experience in medical and clinical research in both academic and commercial frameworks. He has also specialized in medical translation and editing and within this framework he translates and edits documents associated with clinical trials for international pharmaceutical companies and world-known medical centers.



Concurrently, he has started several years ago to specialize in the Bio-Statistics domain in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Tel-Aviv University and works as a teaching assistant at Tel-Aviv University.



My Vision: Harness the statistical tools to address the clinical needs of physicians and researchers   to promote evidence-based medicine , thus contributing to making a difference in patient care.



Another Thing: Likes Israeli folk dancing and running.



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